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    AMS Is Green Technology Company.

    AMS Dry Ice

    AMS Dry Ice offers comprehensive dry ice solutions by offering various products and services. The dry ice supplier specializes in 100% pure high-quality dry ice providing dry ice pellets and dry ice blocks. In addition to supplying dry ice, AMS offers services such as dry ice blasting for effective and eco-friendly cleaning in various industries.

    With a commitment to excellence, AMS Dry Ice ensures reliable and efficient dry ice solutions for different industries including automobiles, food, medical, etc. It offers the best dry ice price while ensuring quality and reliability!

    Dry Ice Blasting Service

    AMS Dry Ice offers contractual dry ice blasting which is an advanced eco-friendly cleaning method. It is a highly effective method for removing difficult contaminants by propelling dry ice pellets at high speeds through a dry ice blasting machine. Dry ice blasting is a non-abrasive and non-toxic cleaning method that does not leave any residue behind. It is used in various industries such as manufacturing, electrical, automotive, mining, etc., as it reduces the downtime while effectively cleaning the machinery and equipment.

    We design solutions to
    each industrial application

    AMS expert team helping customers to solve cleaning, surface preparation and restoration related manufacturing problems with dry ice blasting & cleaning equipment.
    Vision and Mission

    Advantages of Dry Ice Blasting

    aa Non abrasive - since surfaces are treated extremely gently. Wear and tear resulting from use the steel brushes or other blasting media is avoided
    vv Reduce downtime - Significantly quicker process leads to increased production time.
    ff Environmentally responsible - Dry ice is made of reclaimed CO2 and does not add additional CO2
    rr Cost-effective - significantly reduces cost by saving on plant downtime, process, and labors.
    ee -78.5 C, a sanitising effect. Allergen contamination is removed and surfaces are sterilised while mold and bacterial growths are inhibited.
    awa No secondary waste - Dry ice blasting does not produce secondary waste streams, residue or moisture.

    Trust Building

    Everyday we are increasing trust of customers by our different solution to the industries and to end customer. We create value with trust, transparency and cost acquisition by tailor made unique solutions for our customers.
    Trusted Customers
    AMS Dry Ice

    We Are Dry Ice Solution Provider

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    about us

    Dry Ice Enquiry

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    Satisfaction Guarantee


    Maintenance Support

    Our maintenance and support services aimed to customer solutions and fixing issues.

    We provide long term ACS annual Maintenance Contract and alternative solutions


    Supply Storage of Material

    We are Dry Ice logistics experts who can assist you with keeping your cargo chilled.

    We provide the storage boxes specific for Dry Ice.


    Safety Training & Material Supply

    Our safety department will develop an effective training programme for anyone who works with or near dry ice activities.